Sunday, November 18, 2007

Another Trip, Finally

I'm minutes from stepping out the door for my next West Palm Beach, FL, of all places. The posting has been a little (or a lot) thing lately due to a dearth of flights for me. It's been exactly two weeks since I've been at an airport and it's felt so WEIRD! I did manage to knit most of a scarf, write a couple of freelance articles, paint nearly the entire interior of our house, reorganize the kitchen cabinets, and read a couple of books. I'm not cut out to be a desperate housewife...or maybe I am, because more than three days at home not working makes me desperate to get out and do something or see someone -- anything!

So, I'll return in two days with fresh travel stories and a skin tone that's a shade or two darker if the weatherman received my request for good beach bumming weather.

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