Just ending a lengthy travel day: Denver to Charlotte to Providence. I don't mind. It's exciting and nothing beats people watching at airports. After nearly forgetting my itinerary, wedding rings and watch (have to keep on a schedule)I headed to the airport. Checking in was a breeze. The breakfast stop at TCBY was not. It's never a good morning when you dump your coffee on the floor before you've even had a chance to give it a stir.
Luckily, the flights went smoothly. And by smoothly, I mean enough overhead room for my roller bag and upgrades to economy-plus. Score! Even more heartening was the older gentleman who voluntarily held and calmed an infant while his mother got situated a few rows in front of me. Thank you, kind Samaritan.
Connecting through Charlotte was a pleasant experience. The Providence gate was right next door, I had time for a bite to eat and once again had room for my roller bag overhead. Double score!
The gentleman behind me told his life story to a perfect stranger twice during the hour and a half flight to Providence. Again, I don't mind. I could check in and out of the story as I pleased, and when I'd had enough I could focus on the sound the woman next to me emitted from somewhere near her esophagus as she caught a few winks.
Traveling can be quite strenuous. But what an adventure.